
Classes: Rogue 16
Race: Halfling
Background: Criminal
HP: 147/147
Hit Dice: 16d8
Init: +5
AC: 17
Speed: 25


Strength: -1 (-1)
Dexterity: +5 (+10) (Evasion: save for none, fail for half)
Constitution: +4 (+4)
Intelligence: +1 (+6)
Wisdom: +0 (+5)
Charisma: +3 (+3)
Adv vs fear effects
Re-roll 1's for saves
Uncanny Dodge: RXN for half damage*


* * Acrobatics +15 (min roll of 10)
Animal Handling +0
Arcana +1
Athletics -1
* Deception +8 (min roll of 10)
History +1
Insight +0
Intimidation +3
* Investigation +6 (min roll of 10)
Medicine +0
Nature +1
Perception +0
* Performance +8 (min roll of 10)
Persuasion +3
Religion +1
* * Sleight of Hand +20 (min roll of 10)
* * Stealth +15 (min roll of 10)
Survival +0
Re-roll 1's for ability checks


Shortsword: +10, 1d6+5 piercing
+1 Dagger: +11, 1d4+6 piercing, 20'/60' range
Off-hand Dagger: +10, 1d4 piercing
+2 Shortbow: +13, 1d6+8 piercing, 80'/320' range
Re-roll 1's for attacks
Sneak Attack: +8d6


Light armor, simple weapons, rogue weapons
Common, Halfling
Blindsense 10'


Expertise: Double Proficiencies for Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Thieves Tools
Sneak Attack: +8d6
Lucky: reroll 1's on attacks, ability checks, and saves
Halfling Nimbleness: move through Medium+ sized creatures
Naturally Stealthy: hide behind Medium+ sized creatures
Cunning Action: Dash, Disengage, Hide, Sleight of Hands, Use Theives Tools, Use Object as BXN
Fast Hands: Enhances Cunning Action
Second-Story Work: climbing no longer costs you extra movement; on running jump, +5 distance you covered (based on Dex mod)
Uncanny Dodge: RXN, on hit by attack from attacker you can see, take half damage.
Evasion: On Dex save vs half, take no damage on success, and half damage on fail.
Supreme Sneak: ADV on Stealth checks if you move at no more than half speed.
Reliable Talent: On ability check with proficiency, minimum d20 roll of 10.
Use Magic Device: You ignore all class, race, and level requirements on the use of magic items.
Slippery Mind: Proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.


56069 gold
Common Clothes
2x Shortsword
+2 Shortbow
5x Daggers
+1 Dagger
60x +1 Arrows
Studded Leather Armor
Hooded Lantern
3x Acid Vial
5x Bags of Ball Bearings
5x Bag of Caltrops
2x Hunting Traps
3x Healing Potion (2d4+2)
Potion of Superior healing (8d4+8)
Potion of Firebreathing
Potion of Heroism (10 temp hp and bless for 1 hour)
Efficient Quiver Gloves of Thievery
Boots of Speed (attuned)
Fochlucan bandore DC 13 (attuned)
Ring of Free Action (attuned)
3x Spell Scroll of Haste
2x Spell Scroll of Fly Potion of Invisibility