South Sector, Algol System, Algol IV
House Liao operatives were captured while trying to infiltrate a House Davion garrison. Extract them before they give up anything.
The Liao Operatives can be freed by the Contractor if they get a BM unit adjacent to the Prison and have it spend its combat action kicking in the door. On the turn after that happens, the Operatives run out as their move. From then on, they are identical to Foot Infantry, except they do 0 damage at all ranges. Once they are freed, they are controlled by the Contractor. They don't need to be put in a transport, but the Contractor may find that helpful. The Contractor may reduce their flat rate payment by an amount sufficient to purchase a Common transport in advance of the mission. The OpFor may not target the Operatives with ranged attacks while the Operatives are within 8in of the prison. The OpFor may load the Operatives as external cargo to recapture them if they are freed.
Free the Operatives.
150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP
Make sure the Operatives don't reveal any secrets, by any means neceesary (including killing the Operatives): 50 WP
Damage 50% of the OpFor units (by PV): 100 WP
Make sure the Operatives don't reveal any secrets, by getting them off the map: 350 WP
150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP
Restrictions: Landmines may not be placed more than 8in from the edge where the Contractor enters.
House Liao is trying to break their spies out of prison. Repel their forces. Wreck or Force to Withdraw all enemy forces.
150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP
Kill the Operatives if they are freed: 50 WP
Recapture the Operatives if they are freed: 150 WP
Prevent the Operatives from being freed: 500 WP
No restrictions on OpFor Mercenaries.
150-300 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Battle Lance and a total force size of 150 PV.
301-450 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Battle Lance and a total force size of 225 PV.
451-600 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 2 Battle Lances and a total force size of 300 PV.
150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP
Restrictions: Landmines may not be placed within 8in of any structures. Battlefield Support assets may not target any unit within 8in of the prison.
Terrain Survey: Most of the terrain is clearn ground
Terrain Features: There are 4 hills between the group of structures that surround the prison and the edge of the map.
Atmospheric Density: Standard
Darkness: This planet has a full Day/Night cycle, so the contracting player may decide to attack at night if they wish (see rules on PDF page 62).
Electromagnetic Interference: No EMI expected.
Gravity: The gravity is close enough to 1.0 g that there is no noticeable difference.
Temperature: The temperature does not reach into extreme ranges.
Wind: No adverse weather expected.
Structural Survey: The Prison is in the middle of the map. There are 12 structures spread equally around it, about 2 inches apart from it and each other.
The Contractor picks which side they wish to come in on. The OpFor gets the opposite side. The OpFor may deploy up to 2 units totalling less than 80 together within 6in of the Prison.