Steal Aerospace Assets on Murphrid II - Contract 326-B46

North Sector, Murphrid System, Murphrid II

House Steiner has relocated a fleet of small transport ships that rightfully belong to the Federated Suns. Break into the DropPort and retrieve our DropShuttles.

Special Rules

A Contractor Unit may Embark into a DropShuttle by spending a Combat Action adjacent to the DropShuttle. During the End Phase in the turn after the unit does this, the unit is loaded into the DropShuttle and the Shuttle lifts off and is Reclaimed. Remove the unit as if it had voluntarily withdrawn, as well as the DropShuttle.

Primary Objective:

Reclaim 2 DropShuttles. If you complete this objective, you will gain 1 reputation with the Federated Suns.

Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary Objectives:

Deter Resistance I: Damage 25% of the enemy units (by PV): 100 WP

Deter Resistance II: Damage 50% of the enemy units (by PV): 100 WP

Stand Strong: Complete the primary objective without any of your BattleMechs becoming Wrecked or Forced to withdraw (and bring at least 1 BattleMech): 300 WP

Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: Landmines may not be placed within 8in of the DropPorts. Battlefield Support Assets may not target units within 8in of a DropPort while there is a DropShuttle on it.

OpFor Objectives:

House Davion is moving on their absurd claim to our ships. Stop them from taking what doesn't belong to them. Wreck or Force to withdraw 50% (by PV) of the Contractor's Forces. If you complete this objective, you will gain 1 reputation with the Lyran Alliance.

OpFor Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary OpFor Objectives:

Control the DropPort I: Prevent 1 of the DropShuttles from being Reclaimed: 100 WP

Control the DropPort II: Prevent 2 of the DropShuttles from being Reclaimed: 150 WP

Control the DropPort II: Prevent 3 of the DropShuttles from being Reclaimed: 250 WP

OpFor Disposition

No restrictions on OpFor Mercenaries.
150-300 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Battle Lance and a total force size of 150 PV.
301-450 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Battle Lance and a total force size of 225 PV.
451-600 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 2 Battle Lances and a total force size of 300 PV.

OpFor Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: Landmines may not be placed within 8in of the DropPorts. Battlefield Support Assets may not target units within 8in of a DropPort.

Battlefield Intelligence

Terrain Survey: The map is mostly (>50%) clear terrain.

Terrain Features: This DropPort was cleared out of a jungle. The area within 8in of each edge is mostly (>50%) jungle.

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Darkness: This planet has a full Day/Night cycle, so the contracting player may decide to attack at night if they wish (see rules on PDF page 62).

Electromagnetic Interference: No EMI expected.

Gravity: The gravity is close enough to 1.0 g that there is no noticeable difference.

Temperature: The temperature does not reach into extreme ranges.

Wind: No adverse weather expected.

Structural Survey: There are three DropPorts, one in each quadrant, with their closest side no more than 6in from the center of the map. They are square, 10in on a side, Hardened Buildings with 20 CP.

Deployment Instructions

The Contractor picks the side they will walk in on and the OpFor walks in on the opposite side.