Kill Davion Recruiter on Alkalurops III

North Sector, Alkalurops III

We have recently learned that House Davion has a seditionist planted in our midst. They are working to foment rebellion in the outlying planets and recruit others to their cause. Kill this traitor.

Special Rules

The Target is in an armored car in the middle of the map. It has TP: CV, Sz:1, TMM: 1, Move: 8w, Arm: 2, Str: 2, SRCH. Each turn, at the end of the Movement Phase, it drives 8in directly toward the closest board edge. If it is equidistant from two board edges, the OpFor player may pick which edge it drives toward. If this would take it closer to the closest enemy unit, it will instead drive directly away from that unit. In this case, an "enemy unit" is one from the Contracting Player's team or one from a hired gun's team that has the ability to do damage, and is not an aerospace fighter.

Primary Objective:

Kill the House Davion Recruiter. If you complete this objective, you will receive 1 reputation with House Steiner.

Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary Objectives:

Damage 25% of the OpFor (by PV): 100 WP
Damage 50% of the OpFor (by PV): 100 WP
Complete all other objectives without any of your BattleMechs being wrecked or Withdrawing (must field at least 1 BattleMech to accomplish this): 300 WP

Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: Landmines may not be used. Artillery Support is still deploying and Aerospace assets are still scrambling. Battlefield Support may not be called in until after turn 3.

OpFor Objectives:

Houes Steiner is cracking down on the right of free people to assemble. Some of our people have not been able to evacuate yet. Find them and help them escape. Show these people that Steiner can be defeated. Have the Target drive off the board. If you complete this objective, you will gain 1 reputation with House Davion.

OpFor Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary OpFor Objectives:

Wreck an enemy unit: 100 WP
Force an enemy to withdraw: 100 WP
Wreck or force to withdraw all enemy units: 300 WP

OpFor Disposition

No restrictions on OpFor Mercenaries.
150-300 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Cavalry Lance and a total force size of 150 PV.
301-450 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Cavalry Lance and a total force size of 225 PV.
451-600 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 2 Cavalry Lances and a total force size of 300 PV.

OpFor Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: At least one half of the table must be clear of landmines. You may not target Offensive Aerospace Support or Artillery Support at any unit within 6in of the Target.

Battlefield Intelligence

Terrain Survey: Most of the terrain here is savannah: there are few trees, mostly open plains, and several rolling hills.

Terrain Features: There is a small developed area in the middle of the table with pavement, and a road running from one board edge, to the pavement, and out to the other edge.

Atmospheric Density: Thick (see page 61)

Darkness: Time is of the essence, the attack must go forward during the day.

Electromagnetic Interference: No EMI expected.

Gravity: The gravity is close enough to 1.0 g that there is no noticeable difference.

Temperature: The temperature does not reach into extreme ranges.

Wind: A moderate gale is picking up. It might get worse, it might get better. The game starts with Wind Force 2. Each End Phase, the OpFor player rolls a d6: on a 1, the wind force drops by one to a minimum of 1. On a 6, it increased by 1. (see page 64)

Structural Survey: There are at least 4 structure in the middle of the paved area.

Deployment Instructions

The Contracting Player picks a board edge to move in from. The OpFor player gets the opposite edge.