Diffuse Bomb on Halstead Station III - Contract F43-B28

East Sector, Halstead Station System, Halstead Station III

Security Forces Loyal to the Draconis Combine have alerted us that a bomb has been spotted, hidden near one of the habitat domes. It was spotted on a routine patrol and slipped past all other security precautions. We need you to get to it, diffuse it, and bring it to us for investigation so we can better understand how our security failed.

Special Rules

The Device is a Size 1, 20 ton object with 5 Structure points. It may be Defused by a unit that spends a Combat Action adjacent to it. It may be loaded as external cargo by a unit that spends a separate Combat Action adjacent to it. It may be Defused and Loaded in the same turn, but not by the same unit (even if that unit somehow had two combat actions). The Device may not be attacked before it is Defused. If the Device is not Defused by the End Phase of the 10th turn, it goes off. When it goes off, the Device does 20 damage to any unit partially within 2in, 10 damage to any unit partially within 4in, 5 damage to any unit partially within 6in, 2 damage to any unit partially within 8in, or 1 damage to any unit partially within 10in. These range bands are mutually exclusive, so only apply the highest applicable damage to each unit. If the device is foolishly removed from the map before it gets Defused, it will go off and damage all of the units of the side that removed it. At the end of the game, before salvaging wrecks, the player that removed the Device rolls 2d6 for each of their Operational units. The Device does 20 damage to the unit with the highest roll, 10 to the next two highest, 5 to the next 4 highest, 2 to the next 8 highest, and 1 to the next 16 highest. If two units tied, they both get the same amount of damage. This may change which units are Operational during the Salvage phase.

Primary Objective:

Defuse the Device before it goes off.

Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary Objectives:

Collect Forensic Evidence: Get the Defused device off the edge that you walked in on: 200 WP

Keep a Low Profile: Complete the primary objective without using Battlefield Support Points: 150 WP

Neutralize Resistance I: Wreck or Force to Withdraw 25% of enemy units (by PV): 150 WP

Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: Battlefield Support Assets may not target units that are within 8in of the Domed City Edge of the map.

OpFor Objectives:

Security Patrols have detected our efforts. Do not allow them to recover the device. Prevent the Device from leaving the map intact. If you complete this Objective, you will gain one reputation with the Federated Suns.

OpFor Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary OpFor Objectives:

Have the Device go off while it's on the map: 300 WP

Evade Capture: Complete the primary objective and don't allow any of your units to salvaged by an enemy: 100 WP. False Flag: If you fail at this objective, you will lose a reputation point with the Draconis Combine and the Lyran Alliance.

Leave a Small Foot Print: Walk fewer tons onto the table than your opponent: 100 WP

OpFor Disposition

No restrictions on OpFor Mercenaries.
150-300 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Battle Lance and a total force size of 150 PV.
301-450 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Battle Lance and a total force size of 225 PV.
451-600 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 2 Battle Lances and a total force size of 300 PV.

OpFor Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 0 BSP
301-450 PV: 0 BSP
451-600 PV: 0 BSP

Restrictions: You don't have any BSPs

Battlefield Intelligence

Terrain Survey: The map is mostly (>50%) clear ground.

Terrain Features: There is no vegetation on this map. There are more than the typical number of hills.

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Darkness: This planet has a full Day/Night cycle, so the contracting player may decide to attack at night if they wish (see rules on PDF page 62).

Electromagnetic Interference: No EMI expected.

Gravity: The gravity is 0.62 g, which will affect units per the rules on page 62.

Temperature: It is extremely cold here, which will affect units per the rules on page 62.

Wind: No adverse weather expected.

Structural Survey: There are no Buildings on this map. There are the typical number of ruins.

Deployment Instructions

The Contractor picks one edge of the map to walk in on. This is the "Contractor's Edge." The Contractor also picks one edge of the map adjacent to the Contractor Edge to be the "Domed City Edge." The OpFor can walk in from the edge opposite the Contractor Edge. This is the "OpFor Edge." They can also walk in from the edge opposite of the Domed City Edge, but if they do so, they units moving in from that edge may not end their move more than half the table length away from the OpFor Edge. They may move as normal on later turns.