Sabotage Oil Wells on Biham I

East Sector, Biham System, Biham I

The Draconis Combine is undercutting petroleum prices for Federated Suns refineries by pushing excessive volumes of cheap, low purity hydrocarbons on to the market. The only way to reverse this is to destroy their production capacity. Detonate a bomb at the base of an oil well to reduce their production.

Special Rules

The Bomb begins the game loaded as external cargo on one of the Contractor's units. It is indestructable and of no significant mass. The Bomb can be placed on the Oil Well if the unit carrying it moves to a spot adjacent to the Oil Well and spends a combat action placing it. The Oil Well may not be destoryed in any other manner.

Primary Objective:

Place the Bomb on the Oil Well.

Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary Objectives:

Damage 25% of the OpFor (by PV): 100 WP

Complete the Objective without using any BSP: 200 WP

Withdraw 50% of your units (by PV) off the edge the OpFor moved in on: 200 WP

Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: Minefields may only be placed on the half of the map where you walk in.

OpFor Objectives:

Defend the industrial infrastructure, don't allow saboteurs to destroy it.

OpFor Payment Schedule

150-300 PV: 150 WP
301-450 PV: 300 WP
451-600 PV: 500 WP

Secondary OpFor Objectives:

Wreck or force to withdraw half (by PV) the Contractor's units: 200 WP

Salvage one of the Contractor's units: 200 WP

Prevent any of the Structures from being damaged: 100 WP

OpFor Disposition

No restrictions on OpFor Mercenaries.
150-300 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Recon Lance and a total force size of 150 PV.
301-450 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 1 Recon Lance and a total force size of 225 PV.
451-600 PV: Untracked Forces will bring at least 2 Recon Lances and a total force size of 300 PV.

OpFor Battlefield Support Assets

150-300 PV: 5 BSP
301-450 PV: 10 BSP
451-600 PV: 15 BSP

Restrictions: Minefields may not be placed with 6in of the Oil Well or the structures. Battlefield Support Assets may not target units within 6in of the Oil Well or the structures.

Battlefield Intelligence

Terrain Survey: The tainted plains of Biham I are mostly clear ground.

Terrain Features: There are 8 clusters of dead trees scattered around the map, but none are larger than 5in in any direction. A road runs from one edge, through the cluster of structures, and off a different edge.

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Darkness: This planet has a full Day/Night cycle, so the contracting player may decide to attack at night if they wish (see rules on PDF page 62).

Electromagnetic Interference: No EMI expected.

Gravity: The gravity is 0.84 g and movement is adjusted per the rules on page 62.

Temperature: The temperature does not reach into extreme ranges.

Wind: No adverse weather expected.

Structural Survey: A group of 8 medium buildings of CP 8 are clustered in the center of the map.

Deployment Instructions

The OpFor player places the Oil Well Objective Marker any where they like more than 3in and less than 12in from the cluster of structures. The Contractor decides which edge they wish to enter from. The OpFor player may deploy up to 25% of their units inside the limits of the cluster of structures. The rest walk in from the edge opposite the Contractor.