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Campaign Sectors of Operation

There are four sectors of operation in this campaign. Mercenary Companies can move their DropShips and loaded assets to different sectors to get access to different markets, different contracts, and different planetary environments.

Table of Contents

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North Sector

The North Sector is the border between the Lyran Alliance and the Draconis Combine. In the year 3063, the Lyran Alliance's attention is focused on its civil war with the Federated Suns. House Kurita is exploring opportunities to acquire territory and remove competitors who have overpowered them since the formation of FedCom. House Steiner is defending against these incursions and forging pathways to infiltrate their forces around the front lines of the civil war and into unexpected flanks of House Davion.

Star Systems of the North Sector:

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 57.7 ly

Alkalurops III

Gravity: 1.00 g

Atmospheric Density: High

Climate: Hot, Dry

Temperature Range: -20 c to 60 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets:

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 16.3 ly

Altair V

Gravity: 1.0 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Hot, Dry

Temperature Range: -20 c to 60 c

Industrial Level: Industrial

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Long Life Pharmaceutical Firm, Kurita Combine Munitions Weapons Manufacturing Firm, New Earth Trading Merchantile Firm, Mining Firms

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 54.1

Atria V

Gravity: 0.83 g

Atmospheric Density: High

Climate: Hot, Wet

Temperature Range: -20 c to 60 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: None

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 19.3 ly

Dieron IV

Gravity: 1.02 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Cold, Humid

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Industrial

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Hachiman Taro Electronics Firm, Luthien Armor Works Battlemech Manufacturing Firm, Osaka Heavy Metrics IndustrialMech Manufacturing Firm, Stellar Trek JumpShip Manufacturing Firm, Fort Hallik Castle Brian

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 47.5 ly


Gravity: 1.03 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Wet

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Surinami Processing Agricultural Firm

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 45.0 ly

Lyons II

Gravity: 0.99 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Wet

Temperature Range: -30 c to 50 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Givens Hollow Castle Brian, Mining Firms

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 31.3 ly

Murphrid II

Gravity: 1.0 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Wet

Temperature Range: -30 c to 50 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Mining Firms

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 55.5 ly

Nusakan III

Gravity: 1.08 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Cold, Dry

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Industrial

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Avanti CyberTech Luxury Firm, Interstellar Business Computers Electronics Firm, Lenzo Computing Industries Electronics Firm, Pottor Light Computers Electronics Firm, Silicon Mining Firms

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 3.8 ly

Rigil Kentarus II

Gravity: .85 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets:

Riken Minor

Gravity: 0.5 g

Atmospheric Density: Low

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Climate: Cold, Wet

Temperature Range: -75 c to 15 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: None

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Held By: None

Distance from Sol: 29.8 ly

Rocky II

Gravity: 1.03 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Cold, Humid

Temperature Range: -70 c to 10 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Always Dark

Economic Assets: None

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 58.5 ly

Sabik IX

Gravity: 0.98 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Dry

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Hiller's Refineries Orbital Refining Firm, M-F Construction Orbital Construction Firm

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 64.4

Skondia II

Gravity: 1.08 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Wet

Temperature Range: -30 c to 50 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Mining Firms

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 77.4 ly

Skye IV

Gravity: 1.03 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: [Backwater|Developed|Industrial]

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Avanti Motors Luxury Firm, Cyclops Incorporated Vehicle Manufacturing Firm, Drago Ltd. Weapons Manufacturing Firm, Ear Candy Company Entertainment Firm, Shipil Company Aerospace Manufacturing Firm Skye Pleasure Craft Limited Watercraft Manufacturing Firm, SeraVideo Entertainments Incorporated Electronics Firm, Raina University on Skye, Mining Firms,

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 22.6 ly

Yorii I

Gravity: 1.12 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Wet

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Gorii-tuna Agricultural Firms

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 71.3 ly

Zebebelgenubi VI

Gravity: 0.92 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Dry

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Industrial

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Adler Communications Electronics Firm, Joint Equipment Systems Weapons Firm, Ulsop Robotics Manufacturing Firm, Gemstone and Silicon Mining Firms

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 34.8 ly

Zollikofen I

Gravity: 0.80 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Acme Widgets Industrial Parts Manufacturing Firm, Mining Firms

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West Sector

The West Sector is the border between the Free Worlds League and the Lyran Alliance. House Marik, as ever, struggles to keep its member nations in line and entice more systems to join them. House Steiner views the League worlds as the frontline in their struggle against the Federated Suns and their best chance to break through into Davion space before static defenses are emplaced and a war of movement grinds into a war of attrition.

Star Systems of the West Sector:

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Held By: Free Worlds League

Distance from Sol: 64.4 ly

Callison II

Gravity: 0.99 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Fallosha Spaceport

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 29.9 ly

Chara III

Gravity: 1.00 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Wet

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Farhaven Capital City, Pacifica 'Mech Warrior Training School, Starpad Agricultural Center and BattlMech Arena, "The Prison"

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Held By: Lyran Alliance

Distance from Sol: 37.9 ly

Denebola V

Gravity: 1.13 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Cold, Humid

Temperature Range: -60 c to 20 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, St. Cameron Capital and Spaceport, Agricultural Firms

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Held By: Free Worlds League

Distance from Sol: 39.3 ly

Devil's Rock

Gravity: 1.0 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Hot, Dry

Temperature Range: 10 c to 90 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Rhodes Foundry, Forest City Domed Capital

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Held By: The Free World's League

Distance from Sol: 25.7 ly

Graham IV

Gravity: .83 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Keystone Spaceport, New DeKirk City Space Habitat, Mitchell Vehicles Interstellar, Mining Firms

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East Sector

The East Sector is the border between the Draconis Combine and The Federated Suns. House Kurita is reeling from the loss of a number of worlds to the Federated Commonwealth and looking to reverse their fortunes. As their foes attention wavers, they plan to seize the moment. With their main focus on ending the injustices of Katrina Steiner, House Davion is enacting an all out push to retake the worlds they claim that are held by the Lyran Alliance. This conflict requires no end of military forces, and so there are a great number of mercenary contracts to be found.

Star Systems of the East Sector:

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 67.7 ly

Al Na'ir V

Gravity: 0.60 g

Atmospheric Density: Low

Climate: Temperate, Dry

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Industrial

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Scarborough Hover Vehicle Manufacturing Firm, Yori 'Mech Works Firm, Luthien Armor Works and Alshain Weapons Joint Manufacturing Firm, Mining Firms, School for Cultural Investigation

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 89.0 ly

Ancha I

Gravity: 1.08 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Dry

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Armitage Spaceport, New Summit Planetary Capital City

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 83.9 ly

Biham I

Gravity: 0.84 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Siang Capital City, Yoshimatsu Chemicals, Hydrocarbon Extraction Firms

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 48.7 ly

Deneb Algedi II

Gravity: 0.74 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Dry

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Hunter's Den Resort City, Nueva Santiago Capital City, San Luerdes DropPort, Batambu Island Chain Weapons Testing Range

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Held By: Federated Suns

Distance from Sol: 52.6 ly

Errai II

Gravity: 1.02 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Industrial

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Errai Prime Capital City, Golden Star Casino, Briden BattleMechs Unlimited, Maltex Corporation, Null-Gee Metals, Fusion Reactor Firms, Heavy Industrial Equipment Firms, Electronics Firms

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Held By: Draconis Combine

Distance from Sol: 91.5 ly

Halstead Station III

Gravity: 0.62 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Cold, Dry

Temperature Range: -60 c to 20 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Sapporo Capital City, Halstead Domed City, DeValt Industries, Mining Firms

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South Sector

The South Sector is the inner most regions of the Capellan Confederation and its borders with the Federated Suns and the Free Worlds League. House Liao are consolidating their gains after the success of Operation GUERRERO. They face a number of internal challenges to their efforts to institute state control over previously misaligned planets. House Davion recognizes the threat the Capellans demonstrate on their flank and, though distracted by their civil war, are keeping a watchful eye on the border to anticipate any further Capellan aggression. House Marik is watching the border wth House Liao carefully: they halted their aggression against the Federated Commonwealth and left House Liao to fend for themselves. Their former allies are none to pleased with their fickle loyalties and may decide to do something about it.

Star Systems of the South Sector:

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Held By: Capellan Confederation

Distance from Sol: 69.2 ly

Aldebaran V

Gravity: 1.00 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Capital Jifang Po City

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Held By: Federated Suns

Distance from Sol: 94.5 ly

Algol IV

Gravity: 1.1 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Kollasa City, Agricultural Firms


Gravity: 1 g

Atmospheric Density: Vacuum

Climate: Cold, Dry

Temperature Range: -80 c to 20 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Domed Capellan Warex Military Base

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Held By: Federated Suns

Distance from Sol: 74.5 ly

Azha IV

Gravity: 1.1 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Dry

Temperature Range: -30 c to 50 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Cushman Coating Works DropShip Refit Facility, Casella Capital City, Agricultural Firms, Electronics Firms

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Held By: Federated Suns

Distance from Sol: 92.7 ly

Kansu IV

Gravity: 1.0 g

Atmospheric Density: High

Climate: Cold, Dry

Temperature Range: -60 c to 20 c

Industrial Level: Backwater

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Methane Collection Firms

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Held By: Free World's League

Distance from Sol: 94.6 ly

Kyrkbacken III

Gravity: 1.0 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -40 c to 40 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Agricultural Firms, Mining Firms

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Held By: Capellan Confederation

Distance from Sol: 86.4 ly

Liao III

Gravity: 1.05 g

Atmospheric Density: Standard

Climate: Temperate, Humid

Temperature Range: -50 c to 30 c

Industrial Level: Developed

Day/Night cycle: Yes

Economic Assets: Chang-an Planetary Capital City, Liao Conservatory of Military Arts, Kurnath Liao Memorial Naval Base, HungLi Military Base

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