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Planar Arcane Advisor

Medium Humanoid, any alignment

AC: 19 (Mage Armor, Spell Mastery Shield)

HP: 130 (20d6+60) (Dwarf: 150)

Speed: 30 (Wood Elf: 35, Dwarf/Halfling/Gnome: 25)

Str: 8(-1)
Dex: 12(+1)
Con: 16(+2)
Int: 20(+5)
Wis: 10(+0)
Cha: 9(-1)

Saves: Int: +8, Wis: +3

Skills: Arcana: +8, History: +8, (Human/Elf/Half Elf: Investigation +8, Half Elf: Medicine +3, Half Orcs: Intimidate +2)

Senses: passive Perception: 15 (Elf: 18) (Human passive Investigation: 23) Darkvision 120', Etheral Vision 120', See Invisibility 120'

Resistances: (Dragonborn: element) (Dwarf: Poison) (Elves: Charm) (Halfling: Frightened) (Gnome: int, wis, cha vs spells) (Tiefling: Fire)

Immunities: (Elf: Sleep)

Languages: Common, Draconic, one other (Gnome: Small Beasts)

CR: 6 Proficiency: +3


ARCANE RECOVERY: Once per day, regain 10 level's worth of spell slots after short rest.
PROTENT: Each day, get three d20 rolls that you can use before rolling attacks, saves, or skills.
RITUAL SPELLS: Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Identify, Find Familiar (owl), Contact other Plane, Instant Summons
COMMAND FAMILIAR: the wizard's familiar acts on it's own initiative and does what the wizard wants.
EXPERT DIVINATION: When you cast a Divination spell, regain a spent spell slot of lower level (max level 5).
(Halfling) LUCKY: re-roll 1's on attacks, abilities and saves.
(Half Orc) SAVAGE ATTACK: Extra weapon die on melee crits.


DAGGER: +4 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 1d4+1 piercing.
LIGHT CROSSBOW: +4 to hit, range 80'/320', one target. Hit: 1d8+1 piercing.
FIREBOLT: +11 to hit, range 120', one target. Hit: 4d10 fire
SHOCKING GRASP: +11 to hit, range 5', one target, adv vs metal armor. Hit: 4d8 lightning and target loses RXN
BLADEWARD: Resistance to Bludge, Slash, Pierce from weapons (mundane and magical)
MAGE HAND: Manipulate 10lbs of force at 30' for 1 minute.
MESSAGE: 120' whispered message and reply
SPELL MASTER MIRROR IMAGE: XN, cast the spell Mirror Image as an action, does not consume spell slots.
SIGNATURE SPELLS: Cast Counterspell and Clairvoyance once each per rest without spending slots
SPELLCASTING: +11 to hit, DC 16
3x 1st level spells: Comprehend Languages, Shield, Magic Missile, Mage Armor (already cast)
3x 2nd level spells: Detect Thoughts, Mirror Image, Suggestion
3x 3rd level spells: Counterspell*, Clairvoyance*
3x 4th level spells: Arcane Eye, Polymorph, Banishment, Greater Invisibility
3x 5th level spells: Contact other Plane, Teleportation Circle
2x 6th level spell: True Seeing, Globe of Invulnerability
2x 7th level spell: Forececage, Planeshift, Etherealness
1x 8th level spell: Demiplane, Antimagic Field, Telepathy, Mindblank
1x 9th level spell: Foresight, True Polymorph, Shapechange
THE THIRD EYE: Pick one, lasts until the next rest: Darkvision 60', Ethereal Sight 60', blindsight 10', or read any language
PEARL OF POWER: regain spent spell slot of 3rd level or lower
(Dragonborn) BREATH WEAPON: range 15' cone or 30' line, DC 14 Dex vs 5d6 element (Con vs poison or cold)
(High Elf) RAY OF FROST: +11 to hit, range 60', one target. Hit: 4d8 cold and -10 move
(Gnome) MINOR ILLUSION: 1 min, 5' cube, 30' range, DC 16 action to examine.
(Tiefling) DARKNESS: range 60', 15' radius, Conc 10 mins, optionally moves with you.


SPELL MASTERY SHIELD: RXN, when you would get hit with an attack, +5 AC until the start of your next turn, does not consume spell slots.
COUNTERSPELL: RXN, 1x 3rd level spell slots, 60' range, when a caster you can see casts, counter if level 3 or lower. Int test above that.
(Tiefling) HELLISH REBUKE: RXN, target that just damaged you, range 60', Dex DC 10 vs 3d10 fire, save for half.


Light Crossbow, Dagger, 20x bolts, +3 Wand of the Warmage, Spellbook (see below), Pearl of Power, Robe of Eyes, Crystal Ball, 3x Potion of Healing, Spell scrolls of Fog Cloud, Disguise Self, Silent Image, Invisibility, Feign Death, Gaseous Form, Secret Chest, Conjure Elemental, Animate Objects
1: Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Identify, Shield, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Find Familiar
2: Detect Thoughts, Locate Objects, See Invisibility, Mirror Image, Suggestion
3: Counterspell, Remove Curse, Clairvoyance, Tongues
4: Arcane Eye, Locate Creature, Polymorph, Banishment, Greater Invisibility
5: Contact other Plane, Legend Lore, Scrying, Teleportation Circle
6: True Seeing, Globe of Invulnerability, Contingency, Instant Summons
7: Etherealness, Forcecage, Planeshift, Simulacrum, Teleport
8: Demiplane, Antimagic Field, Telepathy, Mindblank
9: Foresight, True Polymorph, Time Stop, Shapechange


Cast Defensive Spells and try to escape, or determine the winning team and join them. You know how this ends.