Medium Humanoid, any alignment
AC: 19 (+1 Plate)
HP: 86 (12d8+32) (Dwarf: 98)
Speed: 30 (Wood Elf: 35, Dwarf/Halfling/Gnome: 25)
Str: 19(+4) [14 without the Gauntlets of Ogre Power]
Dex: 8(-1)
Con: 12(+1)
Int: 9(-1)
Wis: 18(+4)
Cha: 10(+0)
Saves: Wis +8, Cha +4
Skills: Religion +3, History +3 (Human/Elf/Half Elf: Perception +8, Half Elf: Insight +8, Half Orcs: Intimidate +4)
Senses: passive Perception: 14 (Human/Elf/Half Elf: 18) (Dwarf/Elf/Gnome/Half Orc/Tiefling: Darkvision 60')
Resistances: (Dragonborn: element) (Dwarf: Poison) (Elves: Charm) (Halfling: Frightened) (Gnome: int, wis, cha vs spells) (Tiefling: Fire)
Immunities: (Elf: Sleep)
Languages: Common, one other (Gnome: Small Beasts)
CR: 10 Proficiency: +4
CHANNEL DIVINITY: You can use two Channel Divinity abilities per hour.
CHANNEL DIVINITY - GUIDED STRIKE: +10 to hit, after the roll, before the result. This consumes one of your
Channel Divinity uses, which you get back after an hour.
DIVINE STRIKE: Once on your turn, add 1d8 to weapon attack.
(Halfling) LUCKY: re-roll 1's on attacks, abilities and saves.
(Half Orc) SAVAGE ATTACK: Extra weapon die on melee crits.
(Human) HEAVY ARMOR MASTER: Reduce damage from mundane weapons by 3.
CHANNEL DIVINITY - TURN UNDEAD: Undead in 30' and sight or hearing range are turned (must move dash away
or escape from mobility debuff, or dodge if this is not possible), Wis DC 16 to ignore. CR 2 undead that are turned are instead destroyed. This consumes one of your Channel Divinity uses, which you get back after an hour.
DIVINE INTERVENTION: 12% to replicate a Cleric spell or ability, once per day (wait 7 days after a success)
+1 HANDAXE: +9 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 1d6+5 slashing.
THROWN HANDAXE: BXN, +8 to hit, range 20'/60', one target. Hit: 1d6+4 slashing.
+1 OFF-HAND HANDAXE: BXN, +9 to hit, reach 5' or range 20'/60', one target. Hit: 1d6+1 slashing.
HEAVY CROSSBOW: +3 to hit, range 100'/400', one target. Hit: 1d10-1 piercing. Max one shot per turn.
WAR PRIEST: Twice per day, BXN, after Attack XN, make attack.
SACRED FLAME: 60' range, 3d8 radiant, Dex DC 16 to ignore
GUIDANCE: Touch, 1 min conc, +1d4 to ability check
RESISTANCE: Touch, 1 min conc, +1d4 to save
MENDING: Fix a break in an object no more than 12" long.
SPELLCASTING: +8 to hit, DC 16
4x 1st level spells: Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Bane, Bless, Inflict Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Command
3x 2nd level spells: Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon, Hold Person, Aid (already cast at 5th level)
3x 3rd level spells: Crusader's Mantle, Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Bestow Curse
3x 4th level spells: Freedom of Movement, Stoneskin, Banishment, Death Ward
1x 5th level spells: Flame Strike, Hold Monster, Planar Binding, Mass Cure Wounds
1x 6th level spells: Blade Barrier, Harm, Planar Ally
(Dragonborn) BREATH WEAPON: range 15' cone or 30' line, DC 13 Dex vs 4d6 element (Con vs poison or
(High Elf) FIREBOLT: +3 to hit, range 120', one target. Hit: 3d10 fire
(Gnome) MINOR ILLUSION: 1 min, 5' cube, 30' range, DC 11 action to examine.
(Tiefling) DARKNESS: range 60', 15' radius, Conc 10 mins, optionally moves with you.
CHANNEL DIVINITY - WAR GOD'S BLESSING: RXN, +10 to hit for a creature within 30' and visual range, after the roll, before the result. This consumes one of your Channel Divinity uses, which you get back after an hour.
(Tiefling) HELLISH REBUKE: RXN, target that just damaged you, range 60', Dex DC 12 vs 3d10 fire, save for half.
+1 Plate, 2x +1 Handaxes, 10x Hand axes, Guantlets of Ogre Power, Holy symbol, Heavy Crossbow, 20 bolts, Shield (unused), 2x Potion of Healing, Spell Scrolls of Inflict Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Sanctuary
Start with 5th level Aid cast on self and 2 other allies (+20 Max and current HP). 5th level Spiritual Weapon to start, throw Guiding Bolt and axes while you close range, never throw the last two axes. 6th level Spirit Guardians when you get close, Inflict Wounds and then switch to axes if you run out of spells.